Monday, June 14, 2010

Healthy Diet: The Beauty Food

There is no doubt that all of us want to look beautiful, slim and fit. Aside from regular exercise to look good, it is important to eat the right kind of food to look beautiful. There are a number of beauty foods that are healthy and help in enhancing your looks. Below are some foods that you can add to your diet if you want to look beautiful.

Orange can slow down the aging process. As we age, our body produces less collagen. The Vitamin C in oranges actually promotes the production of collagen, it cure wrinkles and strengthens blood capillaries which means fewer broken capillaries visible in the face. That orange tint is sure a sign of its richness in beta carotene is known to lessen the damage to DNA by skin damaging free radicals. The dry skin of orange also make for a good scrub, grind them into powder and voila, you have natural face scrub.

Banana This tropical fruits loved buy Pinoys is the closest thing to the perfect food. It is rich in vitamins, potassium, calcium and manganese. It contains virtually no fat and should be on your daily food list. Bananas make for a good moisturizing and nourishing mask. They are rich in oils and keep the skin from drying out. South American women often use mashed bananas to help relive dry kin. Your hands can benefit from bananas as well. Mash a banana with a little butter and then rub the mixture into your hands. That is all there is to it.

Strawberry Those pretty little berries do more than just please our palates: they clear up acne and oiliness, make skin younger and smoother, whiten teeth, reduce under-eye puffiness, leave hair glossy and beautifully conditioned, and so much more! Strawberry’s main skin-pleasing ingredient is alpha-hydroxy acid, a great little substance that helps us slough off dead skin cells so that new, youthful skin is revealed. Here’s a ridiculously easy way to get some of strawberry’s benefits in a minute: just cut a berry in half, rub it over your face, and let it sit there for a few minutes, then rinse. Instantly softer, smoother skin! Strawberries also make a great remedy for puffiness. Just place a few slices under your eyes and relax for 10 minutes, then remove the slices and moisturize.

Avocado This is must-have for beautiful skin and hair. Avocados have more nourishing natural oils than any other fruit. Using avocado as a beauty fruit supports and encourages beautiful skin and hair. The fat content in avocados is extremely high, reaching almost 30 grams, but it is the kind of “good” fat that the body needs to absorb fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin E. This fat content is also one of the factors that make avocados a great natural option for beautiful skin and hair. An avocado mask on the face is perfect for an intense moisture treatment that is preventative against fine lines and wrinkles. The Vitamin A in avocados restores skin’s youthful appearance, B vitamins help balance oil production to keep skin from drying out or becoming too oil, and the free radical scavenger vitamin E that actively protects skin from environmental damage such as sun and pollution as it repairs damage from these sources as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar has a number of healing properties and it makes the skin soft and supple. Apple cider vinegar is concentrated with enzymes and these help peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.

Carrots help to maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging. It works just like Retin A.

Cheese Make a slice or two of hard cheese a part of your diet. Cheese helps to prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth and prevents cavities. Choose between Swiss, cheddar or Gouda.

Citrus Fruits These fruits hold the skin cells together by forming collagen. Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically and hence fruits and juices must be made an integral part of your daily diet.

Cranberries These berries keep the urinary tract lining healthy.

Garlic Helps to combat wrinkles and restores tissues.

Nonfat Yogurt Is high is calcium and helps to keep your smile white and your teeth cavity-free.

Sweet Potatoes These potatoes are full of vitamin A and vitamin A is known for being an anti-wrinkling agent. The result of eating this vegetable is smoother skin.

Tomatoes This vegetable does wonders to your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.

Wheat Germ To get rid of pimples efficiently include two or three tablespoons of wheat germ in your diet. You add this to your cereal, yogurt and cottage cheese.

Green tea It contains vitamins, particularly a large amount of vitamin C, minerals (fluoride, in particular), and amino acids. Polyphenols is the ingredient that puts tea into the beauty category. It fights plaque causing dental bacteria. It is also an anti-oxidant that protects you from free radical damage.Free radicals are byproducts of the human body and cause damage to cells and tissues. Free radicals are one of the causes of many illnesses and they are one of the reasons for our aging.

Raisins They are one of the top antioxidants because they contain phytochemicals as well as adding iron and potassium to your diet. (Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that contain protective, disease-preventing compounds.) They are cholesterol-free, low in sodium and virtually fat-free, making them one of the best snack foods you can choose and second only to prunes which offer twice the level of antioxidants.



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